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Friday, June 25, 2010

Paisley Brooke
My sunshine! My granddaughter that is six months old, I am trying to teach her to wave and say MAMA or DADA, and pattycake! She is absolutely adorable, she lights up a room with her smile, she is precious, cute as a button, fun and oh so happy! I love to take her strolling and she loves to be outside. She is lucky to have a family like ours. I called her Petunia today and her momma looked at me like I was crazy. I said that is what my grandpa used to call us and my momma calls me and my girls. It's a beautiful colorful flower not an odd name - like the look she gave me! Maybe it reminds her of tunafish? I would rather look like a Petunia than a pumpkin and lotsa people call babies and children "Pumpkin"! or Punkin!
Paisley, you are my sweetie, and I hope we spend lotsa time together as you grow, and that you will remember as much as possible. Your Grandpa loves you and I think you know that the way you smile as he enters the room! We have a big family and lotsa big plans for YOU!

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