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Monday, June 1, 2015

Moving Forward

Today was a good day, actually God gave us another gorgeous Florida day! Plenty of warm sunshine, a tiny breeze and a splash of rain! Along with the weather came hope. A new nurse for Eric with a great attitude! New outlooks... He was trying to talk to her! When you have friends surrounding you and supporting you then you can keep believing things will get better. 
The neurologist pretty much said, "This is how he is going to be" . As if Eric will always act like a 6 month old. 
Followed by Shriner's visit who filled my empty cup back up! They see children do things doctors say they never can. 
It is a roller coaster, but the good swoops outweigh the fear of climbing. I'm tired. So I pray for energy, wisdom and favor! I will never give up on what Eric is capable of, he already surpassed goals!  God is in control!

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